Guide to Assembly Language Programming In Linux


Sivarama Dandamudi

Book details

ISBN: 0-387-25897-3, Softcover, 560 pages

Includes two DVD-ROMs with full Fedora Core 3 distribution

Published by: Springer, 2005

From the Publisher

Guide to Assembly Language Programming in Linux provides comprehensive coverage of the key elements of Assembly language programming, specifically targeting professionals and students who would like to learn Assembly language and intend or expect to move to the Linux operating system.

The book instructs users on how to install Linux on existing Windows machines, providing DVDs containing the complete Fedora Core 3 Linux distribution. Readers are introduced to Linux and its commands, and will gain insights into the NASM assembler (installation and usage). This highly useful guidebook comes complete with all the necessary software (Linux, NASM, debugger), making it an extremely valuable resource tool for all those who want to learn Assembly programming and Linux.

Since assembly language programming is not easy to learn, plenty of examples are used to teach the concepts. Source code for all the examples in the text is available from the included DVD-ROM for hands-on learning experience.

More Details

See Preface and Table of Contents for more details.


The book is available from and Barnes and Noble.

Source Code

You can download the source code for all the examples in the book in a single ZIP file.