Ashraf Matrawy Carleton University Mitigation of Network Denial of Service through Diversity-based Traffic Management We investigate the mitigation of Network Denial-of-Service (NDoS) through a new traffic management technique. Based on the assumption that disruptive traffic (being malicious or not) has some similarity, we design a classification technique that clusters packets based on the similarity of their contents (both headers and payloads) using a variation of n-grams, which we call (p,n)-grams.  We allocate bandwidth limits to each of these clusters using an adaptive traffic management technique.   Our design intent is that excessive bandwidth consumers (e.g. UDP worms, flash crowds) are segregated so that they cannot consume bandwidth to the exclusion of other network traffic.  Because this strategy increases the packet drop rate experienced by sets of similar flows and thus reduces the relative drop rate of other, dissimilar flows, we characterize this strategy as diversity-based traffic management.  The approach will be explained at a high level with results of some preliminary experiments.