10:30-10:55: Glenn Wurster (Carleton U) Software Tamper Resistance: Defeating Self-Checksumming (abstract) Self-hashing has been proposed as a technique for verifying software integrity. Appealing aspects of this approach to software tamper resistance include the promise of being able to verify the integrity of software independent of the external support environment, as well as the ability to integrate code protection mechanisms automatically. In my talk I will discuss an automated, generic attack which defeats such self-hashing. The attack has implications for digital rights management, as well as other areas where software tamper resistance is employed. The attack uses the rich functionality of most modern general-purpose processors (including UltraSparc, x86, PowerPC, AMD64, Alpha, and ARM). The attack defeats self-hashing on most modern general-purpose processors. The generality and efficiency of our attack suggests that current self-hashing techniques are not viable strategies for high-security tamper resistance on modern computer systems. I will discuss the effects our attack has on self-hashing software tamper resistance, including what must be done in order for a defender to successfully guard against our attack.