1. Patrick Kelly-Smith, Principles of Bionformatics, April 2005.
  2. Robert Fortier, Locking Ports, April 2005.
  3. Xiang Hu, Incentives for Cooperation in P2P Systems, Dec 2004.
  4. Greg Sarsons, Where Did the Bandwidth Go?, Dec 2001.

Things to Consider for Directed Studies
  1. Please take into account that either of
    • I cannot be at Carleton because I have to do my CO-OP, or
    • I need one more course to complete my degree,
    is not a sufficient reason to offer you a directed studies course.
  2. There have to be good reasons in order to accept a directed studies student, including
    • topic selected must be in a new state-of-the-art area with important applications to either of mathematics, computer science or perhaps other interdisciplinary fields,
    • usually material may not necessarily be taught in a standard course at Carleton U,
    • research conducted and completed could potentially lead to original publishable work,
    • finally, student must have high GPA (at least close to 11) and intend to continue for a graduate degree.
  3. In a sense, successful completion of directed studies would indicate potential that could lead to scholarship, fellowship, etc, and further scholarly work.
  4. Given that the above conditions are met I will be more than happy to discuss, formulate the topic, shape the research, advise, and collaborate in research with you.
  5. Of course, you may also want to pursue an Honor's Project.