You must do the four things below in order to complete your ptoject work successfuly.
  1. Select a topic based on a recent paper that was published during the last four years in a conference or journal on the main subject of the course. There are several such conferences and some are listed in the main course web page but search google for more. You may need to use either of scholar, citeseer, arXiv, Academic Search or even in the recommended book web page to locate and download the paper. You may even have to email to the author(s) of the paper to send it to you. It is also allright to go to the library and photocopy it from an appropriate journal. Topic selected must be related to material covered (but not already covered) in class.
  2. Now prepare an abstract (see Part A) and submit it to me for review (I usually approve all good ideas for projects, but try to prevent overlap of topics.) Due date of the abstract is in the main course web page.
  3. The project goals and guidelines are described in Parts B and C and you have until the due date of the project which is also posted in the main course web page to complete it.
  4. Finally, you must make a presentation of your project (details on duration to be given later). You can find here guidelines for presentations.