// This is sample planner code. For this to compile in the lab using JCreator, // you must go to the Configure/Options menu and under JDK Profiles, select JDK version 1.7.0 // and press Edit... then ensure that at the botttom of the Classes tab you see these two archives // C:\JMF2.1.1e\bluecove-2.1.0.jar and C:\JMF2.1.1e\lib\jmf.jar // Also, ensure that this path is at the bottom of the list as well: C:\RobotTracker_v4.0\ClassFiles public class SamplePlanner extends Planner { // ..... // Add your instance variables here // ..... // Constructor for the planner public SamplePlanner() { // userTitle is used for adding custom titles to the trace file setTraceFileUserHeaderData("field1, field2, field3"); // This appends labels to the header in the trace file Pose[] path = getUserDefinedPath(); for (int i=0;i