Guide to RISC Processors


Sivarama Dandamudi

Book details

ISBN: 0-387-21017-2, Hardcover, 400 pages

Published by: Springer

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From the Publisher

Guide to RISC Processors provides a uniquely comprehensive introduction and guide to RISC-related concepts, principles, design philosophy, and actual programming, as well as the all the popular modern RISC processors and their assembly language.

This guidebook provides an accessible and all-encompassing compendium on RISC processors, introducing five RISC processors: MIPS, SPARC, PowerPC, ARM and Itanium. Initial chapters explain the differences between the CISC and RISC designs, and one clearly discusses the RISC design principles. Roughly the second half of the book is dedicated to MIPS assembly language programming, thereby enabling readers to grasp the concepts discussed in the first half. For more details, see the table of contents.

The reader is assumed to be familiar with a high-level language such as C (only the basics are needed). Since assembly language programming is not easy to learn, plenty of examples are used to teach the concepts. Source code for all the examples in the text is available from this web site for hands-on learning experience. With the free MIPS simulator, you can start experimenting immediately on your PC!

More Details

See Preface and Table of Contents for more details.


The book is available from and Barnes and Noble.

Source Code

You can download the source code for all the examples in the book in a single ZIP file.